1. The littlest Snow Man welcomes
you. 2. Our very own Gnome with the Littlest
1. The Meditation Garden. 2. A snowy
Buddha and his children.
1. The Three Seahorse Fountain. 2. An overview to the
front deck.
1. The front deck. 2. The afternoon sun hits the
The trees were covered. They reminded me somewhat of
Haight Street in San Francisco.
1. First snow. Even the Shakin' Shack
looked great. 2. Second snow made it look even better!
Neigbors report this to be the largest
snow fall since 1976 when they moved here. Over 6 1/5", when I got
around to measuring it. We've had hail since, but not snow as of
Early morning sun breaks through snow clouds on ridge
a couple of miles west north west.
Downed Tree
Our first major tree happening. The weight of our second snow (6 1/2 inches) was too much for this tree at the entrance gate to the property. It had five major trunks coming from its base, two of which you can still see at the right of the second picture.
1. One major trunk has already
been dropped. 2. Papa cutting his share.
1. Welcome to the original Seahorse
Ranch. 2. 96118. 3. The path.
The back hill
1. More back hill - the rose bush 100
feet up. 2. White on White
1. Looking north over hot tub area. 2. Our front yard.
1. Snowy entrance 2. Front
1. Snow
garden. 2. Garden snow.
1. Garden looking South. 2. Seahorse
fountain up close. 3. Deck looking south
It's definitely Hot Tub Weather.
* * *
For every fine, well-adjusted and smoothly functioning American,
there are two who never had the chance to discover themselves. It may
well be because they have never been alone with themselves. - Marya
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