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The Himitage
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The Himitage

This was my year to indiviguate - do Burning Man on my own for the first time since I started coming in 1998. I didn't want to have any jobs to do other than those that I chose to do. I wanted to see Burning Man and experience Burning Man on my own terms. So, I created The Himitage - my own conclave at 7:30 and Jungle.

It gets windy during set-up.

Camp is set-up, full moon overhead. Click on photo for close-up.

Double rainbow out my front door looking across the street.
(Rainbow at left is a bit washed out.)

Back in the default world.

*     *     *

Look for The Himitage in 2008 hopefully on the corner of 7:00 and somewhere between B and G.


Great Web Sites

www.flickr.com - Search "People" for Playa Jewel
currenttv.com/burningman/ - Burning Man TV
images.burningman.com/index.cgi?q_keyword=&q_year=2006&q_category=&q_photog=&go.x=8&go.y=8 - Burning Man Photography

Here's another downloadable version of the 06 Satellite map. If you don't have a flickr account, this link might be easier: www.flickr.com/photos/gatecrasher/237120629/

Here's a link to download the full resolution image: static.flickr.com/62/237120629_ed2e1fb5a1_o_d.jpg

Here's a good one of 05: www.spaceimaging.com/gallery/ioweek/archive/05-11-06/burning_man_poster_1280.jpg

Even Google Satellite has Burning Man on it (it's a pretty old picture though): maps.google.com/maps?q=Gerlach,+NV&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=40.753174,-119.237065&spn=0.021586,0.052271&t=k&om=1&iwloc=A

 Nothing forces us to remain what we were. - John Berger

Contact Information

Snail Mail: P.O. Box 12, Brookings, OR 97415-0001